Professor in Atmospheric and Climate Dynamics

Gift shop in San Francisco (Little Italy)
"The fans of meteorology are partly scientists, partly poets; they rejoice of the shapes and the colors that glorify the weather, they delight of the extremes." Thomas M. Longstreth (1886-1975)
"Joys come from simple and natural things, mists over meadows, sunlight on leaves, the path of the moon over water. Even rain and wind and stormy clouds bring joy, ..." Sigurd Olson (1899-1982)
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I am a Professor at the University of Quebec in Montreal.
One of the main focus of my research agenda is on past climate dynamics with particular focus on the African Humid Periods trying to understand the regional and global impacts of the associated vegetation cover and dust emission changes.
I also work on the abrupt events that punctuated the last deglaciation, interpreting the signal recorded in proxy records with the help of climate models.
Another focus is to characterize variations in climate variability in the North Atlantic and tropical regions associated to gradual (e.g., anthropogenic) or rapid (e.g., volcanic eruptions) changes in aerosol burden, using global climate models and observational data.
Finally, I am also investigating the role of vegetation changes on local and large-scale circulation under future climate scenarios (e.g. the impact of the Great Green Wall).
More info on my research interests can be found in my publications.
Graduate and undergraduate students are welcome to contact me.
Dép. des Sci. de la Terre et de l'Atmos.
Université du Québec à Montréal
Office PK-6315
201, av. du President Kennedy
Montreal (QC) H2X 3Y7
Office: +1 (514) 987 3000 ext. 3387
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