Professor in Atmospheric and Climate Dynamics
Outreach Activities
Scientists must also be ambassadors!
11/2022 Interviewed for Radio Canada on the November 2023 heat wave in Quebec (in French)
11/2022 Interviewed for Aljazeera.net on the impacts of global warming on northern Africa climate (in Arabic)
03/2022 Interviewed for Elle Magazine on the Great Green Wall initiative and its impact on climate (in Italian)
01/2022 Interviewed for Weather Network on the Great Green Wall initiative and its impact on climate (in English)
01/2022 Interviewed for Global News on the Great Green Wall initiative and its impact on climate (in English)
01/2022 Interviewed for ScienceNews on the Great Green Wall initiative and its impact on climate (in English)
12/2021 Interviewed for an EOS publication (in English)
11/2021 Interviewed by Noovo TV regarding flood in BC (in French)
12/2020 Interviewed by Radio Canada regarding climate change (in French)
11/2020 Interviewed by L’actualité regarding the global warming and the role of aerosols (in French)
10/2020 Interviewed by La Repubblica regarding my research on the Greening of the Sahara (in Italian)
09/2020 Interviewed by La Presse regarding the forest fires in California in 2020 (in French)
07/2020 Interviewed by Le Soleil regarding the summer of 2020 in Québec (in French)
04/2020 Interviewed by VOGUE magazine regarding my research on the Greening of the Sahara (in English)
10/2019 Interviewed by Montreal Campus regarding the rapport of the IPCC (in French)
01/2019 Interviewed by Correiro Braziliense (in Portughese)
03/2017 Interviewed by BBC Mundo (in Spanish)
03/2017 Interviewed by Swedish national radio (Vetenskapsradion - radio science) from minute 33 and 30 seconds. And a short news (in Swedish)
07/2015 Messori, G. and Pausata, F.S.R. “Gabriele e Francesco, alla conquista della meteorologia scandinava”. Nimbus
In May 2010 I was invited to give a lecture to an elementary school (4th and 5th grade) about climate change. Here below is the power point presentation and the test the kids were supposed to give to their parents in order to evaluate their parent's knowledge about climate change. The files are both in Italian, but soon an english version of the test will be available. Feel free to take the test and ask me either for directly correct it or just the correct answers.
TEST (in Italian)
TEST (in English)
During my stay at the University of Washington (Jan-Aug 2009) I have been involved in outreach activities, for example showing elementary school kids the power of the air pressure in crashing an empty can (see here)!
In January 2009 I was an invited guest for an Italian TV-program (Meteo-weekend on Telefriuli), tackling the global warming issue and the Artic sea ice retreat.
Here are the links of the program (in Italian):
During my master (2005-2006) I have been trying to make high school student more familiar with meteorology, showing them how "we measure" the weather, how we forecast it and all the cool stuff, regarding the weather.
In 2005 I was part of the organizing committee for the World Year of Physics at the University of Bologna